Tag Archives: Forgiveness

Almost Too Deep for Words

An ache from deep within,
A heart that is raw and wicked.
The realization rocks me to the core-
I am reaping what I have sown.
This life of selfishness and pride
Has resulted in pain and loneliness.
All the hurts I have done are cascading back on me.
I deserve this.

I confess my wicked heart and bitter envy.
I confess my tendency to leave.
I confess my hurtful actions.
My life is a mess.

But You say that there is no condemnation,
You say that You will never forsake me,
You say that You love me!
This I do not deserve!
You extend mercy to a wretched sinner,
Grace to a rebellious heart.
You are good beyond measure.
I cannot understand.
What would make You pay the price
For someone like me?
Faithless, unfaithful, struggling, rebellious, stubborn.
How can You love me???

But You do.
It is amazing and life changing.
My guilt is gone. I don’t understand.
God change my heart. Breathe Your life into me.
Strengthen me to withstand the circumcision of my heart,
when You transform me to the image of Christ.
Love me through the pain.
Show me the end result. Your glory! My transformation.
To look more like Jesus. It is painful.

But worth it.


Dinner at Simon’s, a curious event.
The Pharisee, interested in Jesus.
Many guests, an open door.
Who wouldn’t want to see this?
She walked in, though uninvited,
Overcoming her fear and shame.
Anointing Him with expensive oil
And weeping, unrestrained.

Simon sat in silent judgement,
Pronouncing guilt on them.
Assuming the Prophet didn’t know,
Else He too would condemn.
Simon watched her wash His feet;
She with reputation stained.
His heart was full of self righteousness.
It flowed from him unrestrained.

Jesus, knowing Simon’s thoughts,
Related to Simon a parable.
Two debtors owed a moneylender-
One debt large, the other debt terrible.
Which of the debtors loved more when
Forgiveness of debt was obtained?
Clearly the one forgiven more,
Simon reluctantly explained.

You have shown Me no courtesies
Normally common to guests.
You feel you have no debt,
Your behavior suggests.
But this woman is aware
Of the forgiveness she gained.
The evidence is her heart,
Loving unrestrained.

Loving little or loving much?
Which one of these are you?
Your life and actions demonstrate
What you believe to be true.
When you discover your debt is gone-
No longer under its domain-
You’ll find yourself free at last
To love Jesus, unrestrained.

It’s For The Best

It’s for the best to let this go,

To let it die- you already know

You’re only hurting yourself by holding on

To what is past; the past is gone!


Forgive and forget, isn’t that what they say?

Yesterday is gone, today’s a new day!

You opened your heart- that’s what you do!

So you got hurt– what else is new?


To live is to love, and to love is to live;

To live like Christ means you must forgive.

You do not forgive when you refuse to let go;

You re-live the pain; it’s your choice, you know.


Choose to remember or choose to forget-

One leads to freedom, the other to debt.

Enslaved to hard feelings that take over your mind-

You heart become hard and your eyes become blind.


You forget the mercy God showered on you.

You think you know the best thing to do!

You demand payment; you think you’re the judge,

But you’ve become a slave to your own grudge.


Take off the blinders, remember the grace

God showed when all your sin was erased.

If an infinite God can forgive all you’ve done,

How can you not forgive every one?


Look past the pain down the road another mile;

You’ll be able to look back and say with a smile;

Look at what God did, see how I was blessed!

When I chose to let go, it really was for the best.