
Hello Monday, we meet again!
I’m way behind before I begin.
Spilling coffee and running late,
Bad hair day, that’s just GREAT!
If my week is like this morning,
Consider this a serious warning.
Maybe it’s like they always say-
Looks like it’s just not my day.

It’s Your day, Lord, the one You made!
A chance to see Your grace displayed.
Though I fall, You love me still-
It doesn’t matter how I feel.
I trust in You to see me through,
Use this mess to draw others to You.
It’s starting rough but that’s okay!
After all, it’s not my day.

Saturday morning, so much to do!
Will I choose to spend time with You?
I have plans and schedules to keep-
Miles to go before I sleep!
But You have other things in mind;
You want my list redesigned.
Will I choose to walk Your way?
And prove this truth- It’s not my day.

It’s Your day, Lord, the one You made!
A chance to see Your love displayed.
Though I’m busy, You call me still-
It doesn’t matter how I feel.
You have things for me to do,
Use my day to draw others to You.
Forsaking my plans, I surrender my way;
After all, it’s not my day.

When unexpected things arise,
They don’t catch God by surprise.
In fact, it could be His intention
To make me stop and pay attention.
To help me see- look up and around-
Where opportunities abound
To know Him more and to obey.
I belong to You – it’s not my day!

It’s Your day, Lord, the one You made!
A chance to see Your wisdom displayed.
Though I am stubborn, You love me still-
It doesn’t matter how I feel.
I have a chance to prove You’re true-
Use my life to draw others to You.
It’s not always pretty, but that’s okay!
After all, it’s not my day.

For My Friends

“Friendship isn’t about who you’ve known the longest. It’s about who came, stayed by your side, and never left you when you needed someone the most.” -Unknown. God has blessed me with so many friends that demonstrate the love of Jesus. My prayer for you, as you read this, is not only that you have this deep kind of friendship, but that you also know Jesus Christ, who makes this kind of forever-friendship possible.

You’re a true friend, always real;
A real friend, forever true.
A gift from God, my sister in Christ-
I can see Jesus in you.

It’s the way our hearts are knit together;
Knowing we’ll be friends forever.
The laughter, singing, and crying too.
God sent me love, when He sent me you.

It’s the love you show when saying hard things-
Words that heal, can sometimes sting.
Restoring me to the way that’s right,
Pointing me back to Jesus Christ.

It’s the peace you have in every trial,
The way you always make me smile.
The joy you share in all you do;
Faithful sister, I love you!

Life with you is never boring!
Such a blessing every day.
It’s an honor to bring you before our Father
As I remember you and pray.

You’re a true friend, always real;
A real friend, forever true.
A gift from God, my sister in Christ-
I can see Jesus in you.

You’re Always There

Exhausted to the point of nothing left to give;
Can’t remember all that I need to do.
All that’s left is the cry of my heart-
Father, please, I can’t do this without You.

The battle has left me weary,
My well is running dry.
Emotions are at an all time low
And anxiety is running high.
I know You have not left me,
Even when I can’t feel You near.
I choose to believe Your Word
And know You’re always here.

Jesus, You are the Beginning and the End
And everywhere in between.
You won’t leave me or forsake me-
I hope, though I’ve not seen.

The battle has left me weary,
My well is running dry.
Emotions are at an all time low
And anxiety is running high.
I know You have not left me,
On You I cast my cares.
I choose to believe Your Word
And know You’re always there.

When the storms cloud the sky, sun is hidden from my eyes
I can’t see the sun, but it’s still there.
When my heart feels alone and my hope is almost gone
No matter when, no matter where,
You’re always there.

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand.  Isaiah 41:10

It’s a World Gone Mad

It’s a world gone mad; upside down.
Someone gets offended every time you turn around.
We want JUSTICE, and we want it now!
We’re gonna make you pay, and we don’t care how.
We like free speech until we don’t agree;
Speech is only free if you agree with me.
I will protest and strike and destroy what’s yours!
This is how it’s done in today’s culture wars.

Many Christians in church like to say-
That’s not me, I don’t act that way.
I believe in justice, yes, consequences too;
Indeed, all should get what is coming due.
Except for me, you see, there’s amazing grace-
MY sins are forgiven, Jesus took my place.
And yes, that is true, all praise to God!
But this is where our thinking might be flawed.

I’m not a vandal; one who sets things on fire,
I’m a model citizen, you’re preaching to the choir!
But there are those who ought to know better
That’s when it’s hard to be a forgiver and forgetter.
I like to think I am smarter and better and greater,
Forgetting all I have comes from the Creator.
I did nothing to choose my better place;
I am what I am, only by God’s grace.

Some have it worse, that’s just a fact.
What I believe determines how I act.
What about mercy? For the aftermath of sin-
For those outside church but especially those within.
I’m not physically out there, tearing things apart-
But maybe the attitude that lives in my heart
Is doing worse damage than vandals ever could-
When I don’t love others the way that I should.

In this world gone mad, where do I belong?
Do I make myself judge of right and wrong?
Do I decide who gets a second chance?
Can I know every heart and circumstance?
Of course I can’t; that’s not my place!
My job is to share God’s mercy and grace.
In all I say and in all I do,
Father, change me to love more like You.

Make It New

Are You there, God? It’s me again.
Trying to figure it out.
It seems I have a head full of knowledge
And a heart that’s full of doubt.
I say I want to know You more,
But at times I’m just appalled-
When I see the way I live my life,
It’s like I don’t know You at all!

Change my heart, Lord.
Make it new!
Give me a heart of flesh
That longs for You!
If ever there was proof
That You are really You;
It would be to take a heart like mine
And make it wholly new.

Awake again in the middle of the night,
Vivid dreams dissolve to tears.
Those dreams reveal my heart-
And my heart reveals my fears.
Wrestling with the hardest questions,
Like why I do the things I do?
The idols in my heart are warring
With the One they know is True.

Change my heart, Lord.
Make it new!
Give me a heart of flesh
That longs for You!
If ever there was proof
That You are really You;
It would be to take a heart like mine
And make it wholly new.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.    Psalm 51:10-12